Hearing Voices Movement article published by American Counseling Association

In the Hearing Voices Movement, people are experiencing profound and substantial recovery after experiences that usually get labeled psychosis in clinical settings. Experiences such as having visions, experiencing different realities, and hearing voices. It felt so important to bring awareness of this world-wide established and growing approach to wellness to clinicians, so I wrote an article specifically for the American Counseling Association that was published by them as an online exclusive last month and is available here.

Yoga Sutra Chanting on Insight Timer

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This summer I recorded myself chanting the most studied second chapter of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras, a text that a mentor of mine calls an ancient Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) manual. The Sūtras are a summary of yoga philosophy and practices from the time it was composed between 1600 and 2400 years ago depending on which historical Patañjali gets credit as the author.

Insight Timer is a meditation app with many free meditation offerings available and an awesome meditation starting bell I first heard when Chris Grosso used it at a conference workshop I attended. Follow this Insight Timer link to hear a sample of me chanting. I was moved to create the recording when I realized how uncomfortable newer yoga students and teachers are with pronouncing Sanskrit and wanted to offer it out of gratitude for the accessibility of the Insight Timer meditation app.